Breathe First Doula
Some losses are completely unexpected and emergent and as a doula, I am trained, prepared, and experienced to support individuals and families in any type of birth situation no matter the outcome of their birth.
This page discusses very sensitive and specific information for those experiencing an expected loss during their pregnancy or a loss that is expected to occur shortly after their birth.
Compassionate Loss Services and Support:
Compassionate Loss Birth Doula Package:
Cost to be discussed on a case by case basis.
All birth is a special and sacred time in your life and I want to be available for you during this time.
I can offer:
Informational support on miscarriage, stillbirth, birth loss, planning for Hospice care if needed, and postpartum topics and support specific to your individual needs. Including evidence-based articles and discussions.
Assistance in helping you plan for conversations you will be having with family, friends, your birth team, and providers as needed/requested.
Ongoing and unlimited email and text support to you throughout your pregnancy.
Referrals to community services and resources at the time of your loss, during your continued pregnancy, and initiation for future postpartum support you might need. ​
24/7 phone and text on-call availability to you and continued presence and in-person support during your spontaneous labor and birth or for any planned induction, labor, and birth.
Emotional support and postpartum assistance immediately after your birth as needed. Including holding space for you to grieve for your loss and assistance in gathering mementos for future reflection as requested.
Assistance in contacting or obtaining a sensitive birth loss photographer if requested.
Contact and follow up via phone or in-person with you within 24-48 hours after your birth as you need/request.
One to two postpartum visits during the first 1-2 weeks after your birth to review your experience, help you write your birth story if you wish, and discuss any questions or concerns that might have come up. Including will be reminders during this time to care for yourself and rest as your body and mind processes this loss.
Referrals to community services and resources for your immediate postpartum and continued support needs.
I have a child who
I carry in my heart
- Anonymous -